Lighting question?


New Member
I have a 20 gallong tank that i'm planning on doing some reef life set up with... i currently have an anenome, feather duster, and mandarin goby with about 20 lbs of LR... what kind of lighting would you suggest? i currently have a corallife 28W PC... but i was thinking of bumping up to a 65W PC... i see a lot of replies that VHO is a better way to go.. does anyone have any suggestions? i'm a newb so any help would be appreciated... Thanks..

bang guy

Hi Cliff,
More light is going to help a lot but I'm not confident that your Mandarin nor your Anemone will be able to survive in that tank more than a few months.
I've had good luck with VHO but there's nothing at all wrong with PC, especially for Nano setups.


Active Member
The anenome, depending on the type, might need metal halide to keep happy.
On the small tanks PC seems the way to go but you still have to research the lighting needs of whatever you put in the tank.