:notsure: My head is spinning from everything there is to know about setting up my aquarium! I am just starting out so I don't have any fish. I have a 50 gal Seaclear System II aquarium, with flourescent lights (a white and an actinic), 50 lbs of LR, 20 lbs of LS on top of 20 lbs of aragonite, a cleanup crew and 2 shrimp. My QT has not finished cycling so I don't have any fish yet.
This is what I want to do, I eventually want to have some Maiden Hair algae in there, and then some BTA's and some clams. Maybe some time in the future a coral or two, but right now I am too intimidated to try that! Okay to my question:
What kind of lighting do I need? Do I need Metal Hallide? And if so, what wattage? And do I need two different kinds to get the blue and white color? Can I buy a retrofit system so I won't need a new light hood? I've been looking at hellolights.com and they sell those there...
I'm looking for the best way, and the most economical way to do this since I'm going broke with just what I have already! Any advice would be really appreciated, since I am totally confused!!!

This is what I want to do, I eventually want to have some Maiden Hair algae in there, and then some BTA's and some clams. Maybe some time in the future a coral or two, but right now I am too intimidated to try that! Okay to my question:
What kind of lighting do I need? Do I need Metal Hallide? And if so, what wattage? And do I need two different kinds to get the blue and white color? Can I buy a retrofit system so I won't need a new light hood? I've been looking at hellolights.com and they sell those there...
I'm looking for the best way, and the most economical way to do this since I'm going broke with just what I have already! Any advice would be really appreciated, since I am totally confused!!!