lighting questions


If i need a certain light for building a reef,will it heat up my tank?So then i would need a chiller?:notsure: And then how much is the cheapest chiller?

bang guy

If you run an air conditioner then it will be a lot cheaper to cool the entire house a little more than to run a chiller.
Often, just a fan blowing air across the water surface on the sump or display tank is enough to sufficiently cool the tank.
If your tank does heat up, be sure to not let the temperature drop rapidly after the lights go off.
Powerheads add a LOY of heat, run an external closed loop if possible.


the needing of a chiller is dependant on the type of lighting you use and size of tank. i like power compacts a lot and unless you get a lot fo them they dont usually bake yer tank


New Member
As far as a chiller goes, my 75 gallon tank gets as hot as 84-86 degrees in the summer months -- I have 2 powerheads in the tank for circulation and fluorescent lighting. Just bought MH bulbs and a 1/6 HP chiller (titan). I figured running a chiller intermittently will be a lot cheaper in the long run than kepping the AC on all spring and summer.