Lighting Questions?


What lighting is recommended for a 55 gallon tank? All i plan on having is fish and some anenome NO CORALS. All your help is appreciated.


well, anenome need more light than most corals even need, for an anemone you would have to have metal halides, the brightest and most expensive lights. Why don't you just go full reef?


Active Member
330 watts of VHO lights should suffice for most anenomies but they are NOT for beginners, they require knowledge and pristine water conditions and a VERY WELL established tank...I recommend not thinking of anenomies untill your tank has been set up for 1 year.


nah, IMO, corals are a lot prettier, I mean, i have a 20 gallon, and with an 18'' 96 w pc retrofit kit that costed me 100 bucks i can do almost every coral aside from clams and some stony corals, anemones need metal halides, and with that, you need a chiller, which are pretty pricey, or at least a couple of fans.


So should i get the expensive lights now so i have them when im ready? Or should i start out with less expensive lights and when im ready for anenomies and coral go get the better lights?


It's up to you, more expensive lights means you have the correct spectrum going through your tank, which will help out with all sorts of crazy algae everywhere in your tank!
cheaper lights now, means better filtration now, i would spend my money on filtration first, and when you DO get your lights, go ahead and get some mushrooms and some other easy corals, about which there are many threads.


thats what i was thinking... so i know you recommende 330 watts of VHO lighting... is that 2 bulbs 330 each or 2 bulbs totalling 330 watts???