Lighting questions


New Member
I have a few questions about the lighting on my 58gal reef.. I just purchased a JBJ PC light for the tank. It has 2 96wt bulb in it(one white,one attinic) with 2 4inch fans for cooling. I thought this would be enough but after putting a few mushroom rocks and green star polyps I noticed that the coloring wasn't what I expected it to be. So I purchased 4 water proof endcaps with a ballast and 2 attinic bulbs to add more blue. I am now at about 4.34watts per gallon. Is this enough and am I using the correct bulb combo to get the colors I am looking for? I figured that the white PC bulb was over powering the single attinic PC, this is why I decided to put in more attinic bulbs? Am I on the right track? Thanks


Active Member
Your question is very subjective.
No one on this board will be able to tell you if the combination of bulbs and lighting is giving you the color that you want. Sounds like you did what you needed to do. Good job.
As Q said - if it looks good to you - then you're good to go ;)


New Member
OOPS.. After reading it I guess I never really got to the point of the question.. Do I have enough lighting to support Hard and Soft Coral, Amenomes? I was considering going to a metal halide system but I didn't want to spend anymore money on lighting if it wasn't necessary..