lighting requirements for mushrooms?


New Member
I want to move from FOWLR to some easy to keep corals. I have a 55gal w/ 65lbs of liverock. My lighting fixture is a Current Satellite 2x65 watt CF w/ moonlights. Is this enough light to support mushrooms? What about any other types of corals?


Active Member
You should be able to support mushrooms and other softies like leathers, zoas, palys, kenya and xenia under your compact fluorescents.


i have that setup currently.
i would only suggest keeping mushrooms and ric's
its really only the bare minimum lighting other softies can survive and such but don't grow as fast as they should


Active Member
I don't know about the xenia under 2 65w pc's. I have 55g tank and with 2-250w MH and 4- 65w PC's. I had a MH ballast go out once and I couldn't afford to replace it right away and the xenia I had on that side of the tank slowly receded and finally disapeared and the others that I had a foot away that were getting light from the MH were spreading like weeds.


I kept xenias about a year under 3, 4ft. NO's, they grow ALOT faster under halides now but, they were doing quite well w/out.


if u get shrooms and they look like they are trumpeting out move them closer or if the are pressing the rock move them lower...