Lighting requirements


I have been in the hobby for over a year now and I am ready to start a reef tank. My question is regarding the lighting. I am considering getting a T-5 with lunar lights. Does anyone have one of these fixtures and how would you rate it? I have been looking at the Current Nova T-5 with lunar lights and am leaning toward this. Any other suggestions?
the Nova is a great light,whatever you decide on make sure its T5HO and if you can get something with individual reflectors it would be good. What are your tank dimensions? I run the 8 lamp extreme on my tank with a fair amont of luck, although the Nova Pro has less lamps it is individual reflectors relly push the PAR up, another really nice light is Tek 5 little bit more $$$ but a great fixture.


Thanks so much for the feed back. I can't remember the dimension of the tank off the top of my head(not at home to messure). I will compare the Nove and the Tek and go from there.
I mentioned dimesnion of tank beacause a deep tank say a 120 tall is 48" wide but very tall therefore the light peneatration to the sandbead isnt as good as in say a 90 of the smae length. If its a tall consider the extra money for the TEK with the individual reflectors you should get planty of PAR even in the bottom of the tank. If its a long then the Nova extreme or Pro will be great.


I measured the tank and it is 24" tall. I decided to go with the Nova Extreme T-5 w/lunar lights. I should get it tomorrow. I am very excited. I think I need to check myself into AA (aquariums anonymous)! I was going to wait to order the light but when I went to Ga to buy some live rock ($2 lbs) and seen the guy's reef tank, I couldn't help myself!!!
Awesome and enjoy it, One suggestion mix up the actinics for better color, the nova comes with 460nM, when your switch half the 460s for 420 and youll get really nice color... Also the currrent bulbs that come with will get you going but think about upgrading look into UVL or Giesmann, you ont have to ru out for new bulbs right away if the fixture is new, but when its timeto change think about the better lamp.