Lighting Requirment

Okay im a little confused between t-5 and vho lighting ect.
What is the order least strongest lights to the most powerful.
1. t-5
2. vho
3. Metal halide ???
please help me clarify,
Thank you
Another question, would 4 vho (110watt) 440 watts total on a 75 gallon be sufficient to have some hammer, torch, frogspawn coral? Would I be able to keep an Heteractis Magnifica anemone.


I believe that t5 is just a type of bulb (size of the tube).. I'm not sure exactly though! depending on the location of those in the tank they should be alright. My LFS has some Frogspawn in a tank w/o Metal Halide's (has clams that do well too). Depends on the output of the bulb. VHO just stands for Very High Output. I would think that a 110w T5 blub is VHO but as I said, I'm not sure about it.
HO- High Output
VHO - Very High Output
Metal Halide (DE and HQI) only diff I believe is that HQI's don't get as hot.
Hope this helped. There's a thread about various lighting around here somewhere though. :)
Originally Posted by speeddemonlsr
Another question, would 4 vho (110watt) 440 watts total on a 75 gallon be sufficient to have some hammer, torch, frogspawn coral? Would I be able to keep an Heteractis Magnifica anemone.

can anyone give me an answer please, looking to buy a system asap.