Lighting & stocking question for 5G Jebo Nano tank


New Member
I'm out of the country and decided to start a small nano tank. I bought a Jebo R338 tank that came with everything. I think it's 5 gallon size, the box doesn't even say. The light says it's 8W T5. Is that strong enough to grow soft corals? what about fish? can i keep a paif of clown fish in here with corals or is it too small? I don't have much to choose from so I'm working with very limited supplies here. any help would be appreciated!
T5s should be enough in a 5 gallon. I think you could slide with 2 baby clowns but I don't think it would be wise to have 2 when they get bigger. You might also want to keep an eye on heating issues in that small of a tank with the T5's. Hope this helped


New Member
Thanks! the local guy at the fish store said the light was not strong enough but I have two T5's that are 8 watts, which totals 16watts so I'm thinking it's strong enough, right? I want to do soft corals with a pair of clown fish and a cleaner shrimp. I just put in about 7 lbs of live rock and on my 2nd week of cycling! yeah! The box says T5's wont heat up water, not sure because this thing is made in China, not reliable! It doesn't even say how much it holds.


After you add the rock it will be a bit tight for a pair of clowns.
Might want to stick to smaller, less active species of fish.


You're good for the softies
Unless I stand corrected, T5's will cover everything except SPS's that need a LOT of lighting. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong


New Member
2 x 8 watts = 16 watts
16 watts/5gallons=3.2 watts per gallon
Is this right? Can someone please confirm this math and this little nano tank that I have??? Thanks!


Don't use the Watt's per gallon method. That's pretty much just a rule of thumb, and not so precise. well, so I'm told


Dont keep even one Clown Fish in a 5g... You can do 2 small fish like clown gobies, trimmas, or some of the small goby/pistol shrimp goby combos though...


New Member
i have the same tank. it is not 5g it is 10g being 40l.
i have upgraded my lighting to 1 x 24w pc and the 2 8w T5's.
i took out the filtration system to fit the new light and have fitted a DIY hang on sump.


Active Member
The T5 light here is not high output. I would increase the lighting if possible.
As for fish;
1 or 2 of the following.
-Blue Neon Goby
-Clown Gobies
-Eviota Gobies
-Panda (Clown) Goby
-Redhead Goby
-Trimma Goby
-Yellow Neon Goby
-Citron Goby
-Green Banded Goby
-Green Chromis Damsel
-Yellowtail blue Damsel
-Ocellaris Clownfish (False Percula)
-Percula Clownfish (True Percula)
-Yellow Assessor
-Blue Assessor
-Chalk Bass
-Lantern Bass
-Bicolor Blenny
-Tailspot Blenny
-Yellowtail Fang Blenny
-Threadfin Cardinalfish
-Three Spot Damsel
-Talbot’s Damsel
-Three Stripe Damsel
-Firefish Goby
-Helfrich’s Firefish
-Purple Firefish Goby
-Bicolor Psuedochromis
-Diadem Pseudochromis
-Fridmani (Orchid) Pseudochromis
-Purple Pseudochromis
-Blackray Shrimp Goby
-Orange Stripe Goby
-Orangespotted Goby
-Randall’s Shrimp Goby
-Yasha Hasha Goby
-Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby
-Yellow Watchman Goby
-Rainfordi Goby
-Royal Gramma
-Falco Hawkfish
-Flame Hawkfish
-Pearly (Yellowhead) Jawfish
-Possum Wrasse