New Member
Hello, My fiance and I have recently started up this hobby, but have no clue about any of it. We have purchased an all glass 50 gallon saltwater tank that has an old school single bulb lighting system with it. I would like to know what is the best route to upgrade? Should we do the multi light system with "Daylight" and "Moonlight"? I also saw some of these blue led lighting systems for the "Moonlight" lighting, do they work, or it it just a cheap immitaion that annoys the fish? We cannot afford to spend a ton of money of a lighting system, so we are looking for a cheaper way that will still be good for the fish all around. This tank we purchased also came with a Tetratec brand UV clarifier and Marineland convertable filter, what are these used for and are they good for saltwater tanks? We have three fish in the tank now, an Emperor Snapper, a Snowflake eel, and some type of Damselfish, I would like to expand what we have inside the tank with some crabs, shrimp, lobster, more liverock, and live plants (mushroom, anemone, coral) but have no clue about what is best for this type of tank. Every pet shop we talk to gives us the runaround about the product they have is best and I'm just sick of that. I just want some color in the tank and to have the fish and plants as heathy as possible. Thank you for reading my post and any help would be greatly appreciated. Joe and Jasmine.