Lighting system


New Member
Hello - I have a 46 gallon bowfront tank that is 38" wide and my current light system is a hood with 1 flourescent tube. My tank is fish only with 72lb of live rock. Can anyone recommend a better lighting system that wont break the bank?


Active Member
Normally "good lighting system" and "won't break the bank" are opposites. I have found that if you can buy a good retrofit kit and install it yourself, you will generally save some money over just buying a regular lighting hood. T5 lights are a pretty good value in terms of lumens per dollar. What I would consider a good lighting system will cost you about $200 for your tank...


New Member
No - I'm just a beginner so thought I would keep it at fish only. I have 6 fish and a couple of invertebrates.


New Member
I'm really just looking for something that will show the colors better but if I guess it wouldn't hurt to get something that could support corals in the future. At this point, I would have no idea what corals I would look at getting.


Active Member
well, something to show the colors better would be a simple 2 bulb t-5 fixture. it doesn't need to be much. one daylight and one actinic bulb should make the colors pop.
check out the current Nova Extreme HO Light Fixture - 2 x 39W - T5 - 10,000K/460nm - 36 in. for approximately 100 dollars.
now if you want corals, that's another story entirely. what corals do you speak of? mushrooms, xenia and such? then a nova extreme might be ok. if you are referring to lps, or perhaps even sps/clams/anemone, then you'll need to go a bit higher.


New Member
I think I'll check out your suggestion and wait to see if I get corals down the road.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help!!!


New Member
OK - I found a Sundial T5HO 36" that has dual built in timers for my 46 gallon tank. It's $220. This is a fish only tank with 72lb live rock- no corals and at this point I don't intend to get corals. Is this too much light for the fish (or is there such a thing as too much light)?