Lighting Upgrade on 29 Gallon BioCube


New Member
Hello Folks,
Need some help with my 29 gallon Biocube. I tried to do a search (figured someone had asked something similar to this in the past), but it tells me to try again later....
I want to upgrade my lighting on my 29 gallon Biocube so that I can keep some hard corals. I was thinking of the Current USA SunPod 20" 150W. Will this do? Can I mount it on the 29 gallon BioCube with the included "legs" (I REALLY don't want to suspend it from the ceiling)? Any other suggestions?
Also, I have some "jumpers" in the tank, so I need a pretty tight lid. I was thinking glass canopy, but would prefer something less breakable. Any other ideas? By the way, is there a ready made glass canopy that fits the 29 BioCube, or would I need to have it custom cut?
I would really appreciate your input!!


New Member
I put the 150 sunpod on my bc29 a few months ago(after about 20 months with the stock lighting) and it has been great. No regrets. The legs mount to the tank without any difficulty, no need to suspend it.
As for a cover I can't tell you much. I run an open top and just don't have any fish that are known to be jumpers. No glass top that is custom fit that I am aware of. Not sure how that would work. Seems like the water would get too hot without that open ventilation, but maybe the glass keeps the light from heating up the water as much. You could certainly cut some eggrate which will stop most fish but isn't too attractive(could get the black which is hard to find but would look better, especially on the bc). Some people argue that this just limits the light you have getting to the tank but I doubt that in this situation it will make an appreciable difference. The sunpod 150 is more than enough light for sps in the tank and I don't think that eggrate changes that, but that's jmo.


Active Member
most people with either the 24 or 29 nano use the sunpod 150w mh. i'd leave an open top with heat issue.