Lighting upgrade


I am going to upgrade my lighting. Currently I have a 54 gallon bow corner tank. I have 2-24" 20W and 1-18" 15W bulbs. I want to replace that with an icecap 430 with 4 24" 75W bulbs. This will put me to 300W for a 54 gallon tank. By anyones estimate I should have enough for anything.
My question is, what bulbs should I use. I have been told to use 2 blues, with 2 50/50's. I have also been told 2 aqua suns with 2 blues. I know there are as many opinions as there are people.
I would like to keep pulsating xenia's, leathers, polyps, hammer corals.
I do not plan to keep clams.

mr . salty

Active Member
That should be plenty of light(wattage wise). as far as the bulbs go I waoud split it up with half being daylight and half being blue's.

MR.SALTY (I test my water with my tounge)


When you say daylights, do you mean the 50/50's, or the aqua suns? these are all uri bulbs.