Lighting with different currents.


can any one tell me what are the difference if you are lighting your tank with an AC or DC because i was just wondering someone posted that lighting should be 3-5 watts for a reef tank, what if i have a 50 gallon aquarium what is the difference if I'm going to light it up with 500 watts 220vAC or 12vDC, they are both 500 watts.


Active Member
Don't concern yourself with how many watts of light you have over your tank. A watt isn't a unit of light output so it's meaningless for your corals.


so how should i know if i have a good lighting over my tank for the corals. and how could i compute for the light output?


Active Member
if want to measure how much light your getting, you'd need a par meter.
quality t5 bulbs can penetrate deep as long as theyre on the right reflectors/ballasts. that being said, without good reflectors theyre not good for penetrating


Active Member
Even if you do want to figure it in watts, a watt is a watt.
All other things being equal, a 500w lamp should produce a certain amount of light, regardless of it's design voltage.
I've never heard of a 12v 500w lamp though... Such a lamp would draw 41 amps, and thus require very heavy wiring.