

Active Member
Medium, pc's vho. If you have halides or get them, then you can put them under a ledge where they get some light


I am not exactly sure how strong the lighting is(don't worry I am not buying any corals until I understand the lighting part better) but the friend that gave it to me said it is strong enough for soft corals. I have to look into the strenght of the light before I purchase anything.


Active Member
I think the issue with the sfe not being "reefsafe" is that it will eat other small animals like shrimp, crabs, and fish. I don't think you would have to worry about it eating your corals.


I know they eat inverts already lost some small snails and hermits but I can live with that Dont know if I can live with him eating my corals


Active Member
I don't know for sure, but what i have read about them etc. I don't think you will have a problem. You could trade him in and get a reef fish?