

New Member
Is a marine-glo 15 watt bulb enough to keep my live rock (3.5 lbs) sustained for now? What will I need to get to keep coral and anenomies?


Active Member
Live rock doesn't really need light (some of the creatures on it might, but special lighting for live rock isn't necessary). I think it'll be just fine with what you have right now. As for anemones, they are actually pretty difficult to keep in tanks. You would need much stronger lights to support one. They require very specific conditions. I would recommend doing a search on Anemones from this site. There have been some very informative threads about them in the past that I'm sure you will find helpful. :)
As for corals, they are easier to keep, depending on what kind you get. Soft corals are easiest to take care of. If I were you, I'd look into some of those. =)