

New Member
on my new 55 gal setup i have 260 watts of lighting ( flouresents) is this enough for my live rock


If your looking for coraline algae growth, add calcium to your tank or coraline booster. This will speed your process up imensely. I add calcium and have 260 watts of light on my 75 and my base rock is getting coraline growth!!!


New Member
anymore help you can give me would be great this is our first tank with live rock so we are a little nervous have set up quite a few fish only tanks for ourselves and for friends. Our rock will be here thursday so we are pretty excited bought it through an auction company i am sure you know which LOL so calcium i have reef additives coming also so any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated


Is the tank you are putting the rock in empty right now, or are there fish in it?
If the tank is empty, ( when I say empty I mean, nothing living, but full of your salt water) put the rock in it and leave just the rock in there with your filtration system running for about 2-3 weeks. This way you are positive your rock is cured. Alot of companys say rock is cured, well even more customers learned the hard way, it's not always cured and your whole system will suffer. Letting the tank run with the live rock in there will also help with cycling your tank.
If there are fish already in the tank, then you want to put the rock in a rubbermaid tub with saltwater, preferably from your tank and put a powerhead in there for circulation and leave it in there for 2-3 weeks to cure before placing in your tank.
How much rock are you getting? What kind of rock?
Also once the rock is cured and in your tank if you put base rock in your tank as well with the live rock within a years time your base rock will become living as well.


I just use Kent calcium and add what the bottle recomends daily and my rock is coming around real nicely!! Some of my $1lb base rock looks nicer than the $6lb live rock!


New Member
tank is empty just set it up this past sunday we are getting 60 pounds of fiji rock and we are adding about 20 pounds of volcanic cinder rock that we have had for years in our rock garden


that's good and going to be easier with the tank just set up! So just put your rock in your saltwater with the filtration going and let it cure for 2-3 weeks, this will also help with the cycling of your tank. I have a 75 live rock tank with a clarki clown, maroon clown, blue and gold damsel, and adding a hippo tang this weekend. What are you planning on having in your tank?


New Member
we have a hippo tang and a percula clown and a long spined urchin in our other tank that we are putting in the 55 and probably going to do some firefish and stuff haven't decided on what else yet