Is the tank you are putting the rock in empty right now, or are there fish in it?
If the tank is empty, ( when I say empty I mean, nothing living, but full of your salt water) put the rock in it and leave just the rock in there with your filtration system running for about 2-3 weeks. This way you are positive your rock is cured. Alot of companys say rock is cured, well even more customers learned the hard way, it's not always cured and your whole system will suffer. Letting the tank run with the live rock in there will also help with cycling your tank.
If there are fish already in the tank, then you want to put the rock in a rubbermaid tub with saltwater, preferably from your tank and put a powerhead in there for circulation and leave it in there for 2-3 weeks to cure before placing in your tank.
How much rock are you getting? What kind of rock?
Also once the rock is cured and in your tank if you put base rock in your tank as well with the live rock within a years time your base rock will become living as well.