lighting ?


i have a 29 gal with 1 condi and 2 tomatoes, and 2 damsels. 15 hermits and 5 camelback shrimp. i am wanting to ad coral probably within the next 3 months or so, and therefore i am wondering wht lighting i should invest in for this tank. as well as what other equipment i should get. any help and advice will be greatly appreciated. thanx



Originally posted by mudplayerx
This is not correct. If you keep the camelback shrimp fed every day, they are safe.

Being that they are opertunistic little insects I would have to disagree with you, however feeding them everyday to keep their bellys full might slow down the distruction they can, and often do, cause.
I will agree that everyones experience with them is different.
Anthony Calfo: "This species naturally preys on coral in the wild and is well documented in captivity for doing so. A few will not, but most will eventually (brain corals, polyps, etc)... it is not a safe choice in the long run"
Respectfully and simply disagree with you. Have a nice day. :)


Active Member

Originally posted by mudplayerx
This is not correct. If you keep the camelback shrimp fed every day, they are safe.

you've got camel shrimp in a reef tank? what do you feed them? polyps? :D


Active Member
they'd be ok in a fowlr tank but if you intend to get corals you should probably get rid of them. take them back for store credit and get some peppermints, a skunk cleaner, or a blood red fire shrimp.


Active Member
I didn't realize that camel-backed shrimp will eat corals when I purchase mine. I lost all of my colony polyps to this shrimp. I have also not been able to successfully keep open brain corals.
However, I do have a bubble coral, pink leather coral, green star polyps, blastomusa, toadstool leather, and pulsing xenia which the camel-backed shrimp has left alone.