

I have bought my first lighting kit a couple of weeks ago. The lfs told me that it would be a good light to keep some corals and other things. I was also told that I could keep a bta w/it. I just want to know what the "experts" on this site have to say. I have the model number 1015, my tank size is 45 gallon (without the rocks and sand). I really just want to find out if i made a mistake in buying this or not. Thanks


Nice light.
I also have a 45 gallon tank. 36" x 12" x 24"
I have a coralife 2 x 96 watt light and a odysea 1 x 96 watt on mine.
I can tell you this, I have a BTA and he has doubled in size in a matter of 3 months.
Him and the clown seem very happy together.
Not sure if that light is enough to support the anenome alone though, but still a nice light.
IMO I would keep that light and add a single strip if you want to keep a BTA.