

New Member
I have a 30 gal w/4 fish and some mushroom corals. The lighting is the fluorescent bulb that came w/the hood. I would like to upgrade to a brighter bulb, but I don't know what to get. Can anyone help? Coralife Actinic Blue? I don't want to upgrade the hood just the bulb for now. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I don't now if changing the light bulb would qualify as an upgrade. And you won't be able to put a brghter bulb (higher wattage or lumuns) in there. New bulbs will all ways be brighter so if your bulbs old you will notice a differance, but if your bulb is new you won't. In your situation a 50/50 would look better than a actinic if your just wanting to improve the look of the aquarium. If you truly want more output you will have to upgrade your hood.


you cant just upgrade the bulb, you need to upgrade the hood. if you do I would go with hamilton power compacts. I would go with 2 55wt smartlamps. more than enough to grow anything in there you want.if you dont want to 1 will work but if you want to later get more light loving corals 2 is better. I use 2 65wt smartlamps on my 20. but thats just my opinion


If you are truly not looking to spend money, then buying a 50/50 blub for your current setup would be a definate must. But if you are in the market to buy a whole new setup power compacts are definately a good way to go.

old hermit

i hated my pc 50/50 light half the tank was blue and half bright white. then i went with 4 vho tubes and there is so much difference. the vho lights looks better and they put off more light. my corals have looked so much better since i have had them. they are more expensive though so you may need to search a little. this is just my opinion. im not saying pc are a waste of money i just didnt like them. hth


i was told that vho bulbs need to be replaced every 6 months pc"s every 15 months i"m going with the pc's seems cheaper in the long run