

So whats everyones opinion of this set up?
Ice Cap 660 Ballast
4 TEK II reflectors
Ice Cap Water Proof ends and stand offs
4x80=360 watts
55 Gallon tank
Think I can keep an anemone happily under this set up?
Also how high from the water do I want to mount the lights?
Do I want a fan blowing down on top of the reflectors or blowing up on the lamps? Or doesn't matter as long as I have something in there cooling them?


Active Member
Those lights will probably be fine, be make sure the tank is established (a good long while, maybe 6 - 12 months) before adding an anemone. Fan should just blow across the surface of the water, not pointing at the water or pointing at the light.


oh yeah, tank has been up and running for over a year now, lots of copods and critters coming out of the 100# of live rock between the sump and DT
What do you think my limits with this light fixture? Would this cover a a good majority of the corals out there? Its a standard 55 gallon tank


the lights are 54 watts each, but doesn't the icecap 660 overdrive them to around 80 watts?


Active Member
i don't have much experience with the overdriven t-5's , but i woudl imagine you could keep pretty much anything, as long as you kept the higher light corals, in the higher half of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kube
any thoughts of what I can keep under this set up?
Anything you want where you want. You might have problems keeping softies and other low-light demanding things in the upper half of the tank though. Four individually reflected over-driven lamps on a 55gal is a lot of light.


thats good, trying to buy something that I will be able to incorporate into any future tank upgrades down the road