First, you are not allowed to post a link to another store site, so remove it before you get into trouble. LOL... I think we have all done it at one point of time to learn that it isn't allowed. It's just a picture anyway.
Next: You need to post the full specs of the light, not the brand or a picture of it. Every manufacturer has several lights with different specs, so the brand name is useless info, and a picture tells us nothing.
SPS corals demand the brightest lights available on the market. 0 reading on nitrates consistently. They are a hard coral to keep for beginners in a new tank.
I personally am completely lost on LEDs, the poor folks on this site have tried 3Xs to explain it to me, and I'm still lost. You have posted a light with 55X 3w LEDs. My full spectrum LED light has 60X 5w white LEDs and it's not good enough for anything except macroalgae. However unlike the a short list on the light you posted of 55X 3w white lights, mine had 6000K to 6500K listed. I know you need 10000K but bang Guy says we need to know the par...