lightning bugs.......


Well yesterday when I went to clean my filter sock I saw the glowing green inside the sock.Just like a lightning bug.It looks like some kind of round worm that lights up.I cant take a pic because it is way too small.I took it out of the sock and put it back in the tank.


use a red lens light it wont spook what ever it is so you can get a better look at it. very interesting though havent heard of someone have that in the tank but the size of your tank and amount of LR you can have a number of things that you may never see.


I had asked around and no one knows what they are.I do have alot of live rock so maybe it is something that is unknown..LOL...The worm blinked about 4 times and stopped.I took it out of the bag and put it back into the tank.I showed my wife so she knows I am not crazy.She seen it blink green too.


Could it be an uncommon larval state of something? Or even biolumenescent form of bristle worm? *shrugs* nothing i've encountered or heard of before. I'm surprized you didn't get any urchins heh they seem common to get in large batches of LR. Same thing with baby clam/scalop things.


Originally Posted by Catawaba
WOW...are we sure they are beneficial?
Noone is sure eh. If the yget bigger and turn to something nastey then we will know. They don't seem to be hurting anything right brucewrs?
EDIT: though looking like a cross between a shrimp and a crab 'sounds' like a mantis shrimp in looks. But i have not looked into them enough to know if they glow like that. Catch one again if you can and take it to your lfs.


It's not hurting anything so I put the worm back into the tank....Lets see if they get any bigger.The one in the tank was alot bigger and different looking than the one I found in the sock.Maybe they had babies...If anything new happens I will keep you advised.


I do know that there are certain types of krill that bioluminesce.
Also there are certain crustaceans that do as well in a mating ritual.


Active Member
I've seen tunicates, shrimp and and plankton all bio-luminesce(sp?) in the Gulf. It comes from the algae they are eating. Never heard that about Mantis.
How long since you introduced live rock or sand to your tank? It could very well be that this will subside over time as the food source is no longer present.
If not, I'd say you've got quite a money maker on your hands my friend. Everyone will be lining up to buy glow in the dark worms from you. In fact, I'd like to be first on that list!


I read that baby mantis shrimp light up also. :scared: .I have new moon lights so I dont see any flashing at nightThe tank is to bright..Maybe tonight I will shut off the moon lights and see if anything is flashing.


Active Member
A tank full of baby Mantis....
There are some Wrasses that east small Mantis shrimp.
So, ya... if they are glow in the dark Mantis instead of worms take me off the "want to purchase" list, hehe.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
A tank full of baby Mantis....
There are some Wrasses that east small Mantis shrimp.
So, ya... if they are glow in the dark Mantis instead of worms take me off the "want to purchase" list, hehe.
That would be a nightmare!A tank full of baby Mantis....That would suck..LOL I have a lunar wrasse,but he does not seem to bother my inverts(crabs snails and starfish)......Even my trigger leaves them alone.My puffer eats the baby snails but leaves everything else alone....For now..


Active Member
Some wrasses and triggers will kill and eat mantis shrimp. do you have any wrasses or triggers? If so what kind?


This is what I have.
5" Niger Trigger
6" Lunare Wrasse
3" FileFish
7" Porcipine Puffer
5" Yellow Tang
6" Blue Hippo Tang
9" Blonde Naso Tang
8" Black speckled Grouper
5" V-Tail red Grouper
17" Snowflake Mooray eel
6" Pomacanthus chrysurus aka Earspot Angel (Very rare)
4" French Angel(so far the two angels get along)
4" Scribbled Foxface
2 x 7" Silver Scats
3" Sergeant Major
Asst. Starfish, urchins, snails, hermit crabs.


trying not to be bearer of bad news but just a little input to the situation...i happen to know that mantis shrimp make a cracking noise as they you still hear cracking???