Lightning fast "blur" ?


I have seen a creature in my tank that has been nothing but a lightning fast blur. It seems to come out when lights are out and I have only seen it with the red lens on my flashlight until today.
I received my reef cleaner package today from SWF a couple of hermits were dead. The powerhead settled one between two rocks and as I was watching it the "blur", came out of nowhere and nailed a piece of it and retracted itself back into the rock. After watching for awhile, I saw it setting itself up for one of several more strikes.
It is about four inches long, has segmented body, tan to brown in color, and has a mouth like a lamprey eel with tenticle/hairlike feelers of some sort. I am in awe at the speed this thing possesses. I can't ever see a chance of ever getting a photo of it because it moves from place to place.
Anyone ever seen something like this ?

sign guy

Active Member
sounds like a mantis shrimp, in fact id put mony on it. its a bad bad thing if you dont want him and to be honest be careful they can split your finger open. dont want to scar you too much but let me find some info for you


i'm just about 99% sure that it's a mantis, especially the way you describe the movements, the striking, and the segmented body. They're a huge pain for anything living in your tank (including your fingers from time to time)


Lamprey eels are common in our streams here in eastern Ky. and they are more of a parasite than a killer. They attach themselves to fish and turtles and try to suck the life out of them. I am familiar with the mantis shrimp and it is not one of them.


Active Member
I'll second that one, I had a small 6-9 inches eunicid in my tank, was tan and kind of iridescent, white stripe across it's neck and a bunch of white tentacles/feelers. If it's one of those they chew holes in your rock and never come all the way out. I removed the rock, squirted hot tap water with a little lugol's in it into the worms holes and out he came.


Thanks for the identity of the creature from the abyss. I will wait till I see it on one of my lone rocks and get it out.


Active Member
you might not see it on a rock, did you read that whole story in the link?! they are crazy and crafty little devils.


New Member
Could be a peanut worm. I have several in my tank, see them esp. at night. Looks like what u describe, just a thought.


Good night! Something like that makes me think twice about hand feeding my cleaner shrimp :scared:


I finally got it! I saw it feeding on another dead hermit and took the rock out it was in. Underneath the rock was a collection of snail and hermit shells. I do not know if it was killing and eating them, but they had been disappearing slowly from working the rocks.
Hot water from a turkey baster did not drive it out and neither did saltier water. I had to use a hammer and chisel.
When I split the rock open there were smooth caverns inside the rock it had made that were full of muddy clay like muck stuff and it was inside one of them.
I wish I would have took a picture. It was about a foot long. I hope it is the only one I have and I could see how it could wreak havoc on live rock and coral.