lights and tanks


New Member
I think this is the right section to post under...
I had planned on starting up a new 30 gallon FOWLR tank. My friend suggested going with an acrylic tank, but they're a bit more expensive than glass. Can someone tell me the benefits of going with acrylic vs glass?
Also, which lights should I have. I've done a plain fluorescent before and also another kind with a white bulb and blue bulb, I guess a T5? I know there are LED lights now, but are more expensive. Since I'm not doing coals, I know I don't need anything too extravagant but would still like something that's good.
Any point in the right direction would be helpful!


New Member
These are the lights I previously had:


Active Member
for a fish only tank, a two bulb t5 is just fine. - you could even keep a few softies with them.


Well-Known Member

Do you still have those lights..because any of them will work for what you want.
If not, save yourself some cash. I bought T5HO from aquatic life 2 X 39w that can be linked up to 3 together. Each one has an actinic and a 10K bulb. Each unit costs around $120.00 upgrading is much cheaper if you decide to do so. The one unit is more than enough on my 30g. I also have mushrooms and Kenya tree coral, that are very happy under these lights.
As for glass vs couldn't give me an acrylic tank...they scratch too easy. Glass is heavier and IMO lasts forever. I just purchased a 10 year old glass 30g tank and it looks new...A two year old acrylic tank looks ready for the trash.
You can be very careful and not scratch it up.(not easy to do) you can also buff the scratches out..(hard work) you never have too worry about it.
Also Glass costs least in the stores around me.