Personal opinion
You would do better with the VHO retrofit kit. Better bang for the buck. Also the moon thing, people are putting to much oooh ahhh emphisis on this.
Take a look at the VHO and compare wattages and price vs. what you chose.
I agree with Thmoas VHO's would probably be better. The only thing to watch out for is heat. A retrofit kit would not be as limiting as a full hood either. If you ever intend to keep clams or sps you could always add a couple 150 HQI MH's and use the VHO's strickly for Actinics. I was in your situation a bit ago and went with the Orbit 265w PC hood. I now want to upgrade and if I want to use this hood I will have to take it apart and basically construct something different to use with MH's. HTH's