lights for macro algae?


New Member
Hey fish people,
This is my first post. I have spent days pooring over all the old posts and I feel like I have just started reading!!!
Anyways I just started my tank about 3 months ago I have some like rock not much a clown fish and a little yellow damsel. I really like the way that the macro algae looks and if it really removes nitrates I like it even more!!!
I was just wondering what type of lights I need to grow the macro.
Also, do I need sand to grow the plants or is the CC and under gravel filter that the LFS sold me :mad: good enough for now?


Active Member
If you dont leave the lights on 24/7 the plants turn sexual, and stop the whole nitrifying process. But they will still live.
Ohhh and i just saw that you have cc and a UGF. Ditch those fast. Must do that. The UGF is an ammonia chamber, and the cc holds nitrates. Try to get Playsand and seed it with LS (cheapest method) or you can go for all LS.

bang guy

What lighting do you have? It's probably fine, most macro algae isn't very picky. Halimeda is an exception.


New Member
Thanks for the info on the CC I know but it's too late. I don't have the funds right now to change to live sand but I think I will now that I have seen this web site.
Well i'm not really sure it's the light that came with my tank. Part of the name printed on the bulb has come off. I can see 15 watt and the last part of the brand name is Glo.

bang guy

OK, 15 watt bulbs. I'll assume they are normal output. How many do you have and what are the dimentions of your tank?


New Member
X= 24in
Y= 14in
Z= 16in
hmmm I just calculated the area and I'm not sure if that's really 30 gal it seems more like 25?!?!?
I just have one light bulb and it looks like a normal flourescent bulb with the metal prongs at each end.

bang guy

Well, I was wrong then. I don't think that's enough light. The type of lighting really doesn't matter much, you just need a lot more of it.