Lights for my acrylic tank??


I don't know if this is a stupid question :hilarious ??I really don't know about lighting but I have a 75 gallon fish only tank right now and want to get some corals or other fun stuff!!! I don't want to go full reef tank but want some basics. I have about 35 pounds of live rock right now and my fish (Yellow Tang, strawberry dottiback & 2 clown fish.) I really want to add some decent lighting. Most affordable that is....... Well my question is.....Do I need different lighting with my acrylic tank???? On glass tanks, the top is open and on my tank the top is acrylic with 2 holes that fit fixtures for 18 inch bulbs. Will the strong lights that are needed be to hot on the acrylic???My lights are only 15 or 20 watt each.......
I have a SeaClear system II tank if anyone is familiar with it..... Please any info is helpful. I will attach some pictures to show you.... Thanks, Michelle :cheer:



Well you need at least power compact lights for any types of corals. You can purchase them off ---- for under a hundred bucks and they work nicely. The only thing is that you'll have to clean your tanks often because a lot of unwanted algae grows from them because they're designed to help things grow...I'd suggest gettin a the pc's first and then moving onto Metal Halides. With metal halides you dont have to worry about stuff growing that isn't supposed to....saves u some trouble, plus u can grow anything you'd like with em. But of course $$$ is the kicker so that'll probably decide for you.
let me know if i can help...


Active Member
You need to fix that.
Well you need at least power compact lights for any types of corals
. You need at least Metal halides for "any" type of coral. Power Compacts The older T5 lights and VHO lights will let you keep everything except Clams and SPS corals. The newer T5 Lights with a good ballast and Metal Halide will let you keep anything you want period. NO "Normal Output" are good for fish only tanks.
Now you mentioned for a good price. I would go with powercompacts there cheaper than the rest and will do just as good of a job as the VHO and T5 lights.


What I meant by "Any type of corals" was just"if you'd like to keep even the hardiest corals that require minimum lighting, you would require at least power compact lights.
just to clarify things


Active Member
But that is misleading if the your post trying to correct it is misleading. Powercompcts are good for low to medium high light corals. Metal halides are good from low to high light corals though low light corals will have to placed acordingly so they wont get the full blast as the high light corals like. Or if you want to go this way Powercompacts are good for Soft corals and LPS "Large Polyp Stony Corals". For SPS "Small Polyp Stony Corals" you need metal halides.


Active Member
Your post is very confusing....Please use grammer check. But I think she got the general message and will probably go with the power compacts anyways.