Lights got here on time!


Active Member
hey guys, just got my new lights :). there soo awesome and i love the moonlights so much. there the best


Active Member
bubble tip anemone/hammer/frogspawn. im positive they will survive. i know some one with a 30g with same lighting and they have a BTA and frogspawn


Active Member
maybe they just got in :D.. i turned on my moonlight and im seeing these little worm list creechers. they do a little shake fuzz thing to get around. and there coming out when the moonlight it on. what are they? they look exactly like this


Good luck Wocka, I have a 30 gallon with about a 3 gallon HoB fuge and a Saline solution skimmer. I have 2x65 watt PC lighting and a green BTA. He has been in the tank for 6 weeks and is doing just fine - feed him about twice a week. Usually a couple of days before a water change so I can change the water after he takes a dump :)


Active Member
haha nice. do u think i can have succes? im really looking forward to getting this BTA. i hope i get a nice coloration ( maybe green if there available. ) im not sure what else i would get.. probly a hammer frag
Edit : where did u get ur HOB fuge? im looking for a hang on fuge, but im not sure if i have enough room. my HOB penguin filter takes up about 6-8". tank is 24" long.


I dont see why you couldnt have success. As I understand it is hit and miss with our lighting setup. But it seems more and more people are popping up with the same setup, and are doing just fine.
My fuge was second hand, I bought it locally and it was a homemade job. pretty much a copy of the CPR HoB though. I think they come in about 3 different sizes. you will need about 5 inches from the back of the tank to the wall for it to fit.
I dont think length will be a problem I have at least 8 inches to spare.
Try a search for "CPR Aquafuge"


Active Member
Sometimes there is a great deal on those aquafuges on ---- or a used one here or on a nother forum. I've been looking for one but they get taken so quickley! :mad:


I have 2x65w on my 28gal that i'm not happy with. My green BTA has bleached out and the hard corals slowly starter to peter away as I am replacing them with a 250w x 2x75w ($250 on ----)


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
bubble tip anemone/hammer/frogspawn. im positive they will survive. i know some one with a 30g with same lighting and they have a BTA and frogspawn

I'm not expert at all with anemones...I had one for a few days way back when. I wonder, when the BTA moves around and gets close enough where it can sting or get stung but another coral like a frogspawn and hammer, which one wins?