lights in a fuge


Ok - I read the posting about mushrooms under NO flourescent lighting, and I came up with my own question (but I didn't want to hijack the thread).
Can a fuge with chaeto, LR rubble, and an assortment of creey-crawlies survive with one of those standard aquarium flourescent lightstrips that everyone has one of in the back of their fish closet?


Active Member
Yes - what CANNOT survive are things that thrive on photosynthesis like corals, shrooms, anemones, ect. Things like algea and most plant life don't care about the intensity of the lighting. Things like LR rubble (goal here is bacteria) you don't even needs lights, but when talking about chaeto, and other plant life yes you need some type of lights, standard florecent will work.


Thanks Lex - I thought so - and was really just curious about the chaeto - whether I was retarding it's growth with an inferior light...
I appreciate the response


I plan to ad a HOB filter as a mini fuge to my 20 gal long.... is water movement important for chaeto? I read it was....
can someone comment on this? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Things like algea and most plant life don't care about the intensity of the lighting.
thats not entirely true, different plants and algaes have their own light requirements just like corals do. while yes, chaeto can grow under NO flourecents, it will grow faster with more powerful lighting (like a swirly PC bulb that you can

into a regular clamp lamp). any one that has done planted tanks knows some plants NEED high light and will fade out with insufficient light, and others NEED low light and will burn under intense light. same is true for anything that photosynthesizes doesnt matter if its a bean a bannana or an acropora, (
talk about comparing apples to oranges)