Lights of America :::Fuge lights


To all those who are currently using the LOA compact flourescent 65 watt on their refugium, do you use the glass shielding covering the tubing or do u take it off. I'm not sure if is reducing the amount of light needed to grow caulerpa... thanks

bang guy

I did not. I don't believe the unit could handle the humidity that would be going through it without the shield. It's pretty thin.


Question about that light... I have 2 on my tank now (Had to skimp on lighting because of a sudden cash flow issue.) It's plenty bright and all, but I'm not sure about the spectrum. Anyone got any info on the bulbs they use?
BTW, I just ordered a workhorse 7 ballast so an upgrade is in the works now.
These fixtures/bulbs work good for ref's then?

bang guy

I've never seen the spectral output graph. The CRI is 6500K though. i have a feeling there's not much blue and not much red but I really don't know for sure.