lights on a 30?


Im researching the costs of upgrading my lighting. I have a 29.75" by 11.5" 30 gallon setup. What is the best option for upgrading to between 100 and 150 watts of lighting and what are the costs. Also Will this be about the same size as the regular flourescent lighting fixture that came with the tank?


is it easy to wire it and everything?
also could you maybe put a list of what i would need and a basic outline of what needs to be done?


If you already have a canopy then a good cheap DIY set up is a workhorse 7 ballast. they cost anywhere from $45 - $60 at a local electrical supply house. end caps are about $5 from numerous online sources and the wiring is very simple (do a search here and you'll find the instructions.
this set up can drive 220w of VHO but like the above post mentioned you want to go with 2 X 75w VHO bulbs.
Ballast, Bulbs, End caps should be under $100 or your not shopping at the right places.
good luck


I have 3 75w 24" VHO's on my 29, and feel I could keep anything other than SPS or clams. I used an IceCap 660. It cost more to start out, but gives you a lot more options down the rode if I change my mind.


I just ordered a 96w PC light kit for my canopy from for $106. That is reflector, 50/50 light, caps, ballast & shipping. I will let you guys know how it looks when its put together. Oh yeah, its going in my 30 gal.


I got the lights in and took a few pics. The first pic has the reflector in but I have not taken off the protective plastic.