lights on a sump

chris flaherty

New Member
hi it is sunday day of rest lol .my question is what kinda of lights to hang for a sump .going to put live sand ,mangrove plants i am thinking 10 ..going to put in a mag7 return pump and more .i do have a 32gal powerful of a light. thank you men and women.;)


Well-Known Member
I use a 23 watt florescent bulb from home depot in a cheap clamp on reflector fixture from the same place. It's not pretty but it does the job. Lights off now, I have it on when tank lights are off.


Well-Known Member

IMHO you mights consider marco algaes as mangroves are actually trees and can become much larger then your tank (or house LOL)

my .02


Well-Known Member
I used the upload a file button next to the post reply button. Chose the pic file then posted it. There were a couple choices as to how to display the pic, thumbnail or full size. Some people have problems because of the size of the pic file. I take the pics with my phone then email them to myself as a smaller file.