lights on at nite


Hi Everyone, Sometimes when I come home from work it is late evening my lights are off. The lights are on a timer my question is can I turn them on for a little bit to look at my fish or is this a bad idea?


Active Member
Set your timer later in the morning so they stay on later in the evening depending on your schedule.
It might flip some of the fish out and unless you have a screen cover you might have a fish with wings.
I had a fish freak out when I did this

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I would not make it an everyday habit. Remember fish need down time. Putting your lights on is giving them a signal to start their daily routine of swimming and hunting for food by shorting your normal light routine IMO you are disrupting their day and night cycle


Get some good led blue moon lights....This way it's natural for the fish, and you can still see in the tank....


Active Member
my lights come on at 11am and got off at 9pm. Ill probably have the halides come on an hour later and off an hour earlier once I get my bulbs in


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
Set your timer later in the morning so they stay on later in the evening depending on your schedule.
+1 I agree with lil.guppy...I work night shift, and I adjusted my lights so that they are on when I get to see them. All the other times I have blue moonlights on, so there is always something nice to look at.