Lights On My 12G Nano??


Ok I'm in the market to upgrade the light system on my 12gallon Nano and I want somthing pretty nice to maybe be able to do some nice corals and things in my little reef. So what do you think would be a better idea... I found a 20" PC 96W 50/50 light with legs to put over it or should I go with the 24" (which may be a little big) but it's a 130w (65w actinic and a 65w 10000k). Both lights have built in fans and switchs to operate both bulbs... So what do you think or is there even a better option over those??? Thanks!


If I didn't have a cube with a canopy that couldn't withstand the heat...I'd go with a 70w MH and some actinics, but that's just me...


I think I'm gonna go with the "20" Dual Satellite 2X40W w/Lunar Light (Current)" I found it for under a hundred bucks and it has cooling fans, individual switches for each bulb, and lunar light all in one so not too bad. 80w in a 12 gallon is pretty good it's almost 8w's a gallon and although i'd love to go with MH lights I think I'll save that for when I build my 40g reef.