lights on my biocube 14


my floresent light went out ive had the tank for maybe 2 months and it went out....what should I do? bluw light works fine


Active Member
Check your timers, your ballast, and your ballast fuse.
Plug your "good bulb" into your ballast running the bulb that is out to see if it is the ballast, then check the fuse.
If it is the ballast, take it back to whomever you purchased the cube from and they should replace it for you.


Thank you very much how long will corals live on the blue light? Might not be able to get to my lfs until this weekend


Active Member
the actinic light provides nothing benefitial to the corals/livestock, the only reason they put them in is to make it visually apealing to the ownder; to offset the 10k bulb, otherwise the tank would look very yellowish.. Just get the bulb replaced ASAP


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
the actinic light provides nothing benefitial to the corals/livestock, the only reason they put them in is to make it visually apealing to the ownder; to offset the 10k bulb, otherwise the tank would look very yellowish.. Just get the bulb replaced ASAP

That is not true at all. The actinic light does add some blue color but it is also beneficial to the corals. The corals will not grow as well under it but they will be just fine.
Corals can go long periods without light. I agree, you need to get the problem solved ASAP but don't start to panic.


ok so heres the deal....ballast or whatever....the thing that the light plugs into is no good, with no receipt like a dummy i doubt they will replace it plus my tank is cycled and running great other than the light deal... what the hell do i do no electrician....


Active Member
Did you pay for the tank with a credit or debit card? Take a copy of the bank statement with the faulty hood to the store. They should be able to help you replace it under the warranty program. Or you might try and call Oceanic directly.