Lights on or off when adding a new fish?


It seems that I should turn the lights off when adding a new fish, yes or no?
The reason that I ask is because I just got a clown from the LFS, and did a drip aclimation after soaking the bag for a half hour first, then scooped him out of the bag with a net and put him in the tank.
When the lights were on, he went into a corner and pretty much hid and didnt want to come out, but kept bumping his reflection on the tank, so I turned off the lights and now he seems to be exploring the tank slowly.
So I assume that I should turn off the lights when introducing a new fish? He is the only fish in the tank, though there is a starfish and a peppermint shrimp and some snails.


I think its less stressful adding them with the lights off. Other fish, will be in their "night time" disposition. A bit less likely to pester/investigate a new arrival.


New Member
yes agreed with the two above...turning the lights off when introducing a new fish makes it less stressful of the new fish and the ones in the tank already


When I acclimate my fish I have my full daylight turned off and just my actinic going. From what I have read you could stress the fish by putting him into a dark unfamiliar tank.Lower light no problems. IMO


Active Member
I turn mine off. Never thought about being throw into a dark strange place... that would stress me out :scared:. But I guess the room lights the tank a little.


I turn my off simply because I don't want them "baking" under the light while floating the bag. I usually just leave it off even after acclimating them by drip. I get most of my fish in the evening so it seems normal to just "Call it a day" so to speak.