Lights or Moonlight?????


I have two decently large white flourescent lights on my tank and a 48" Power compact with 2 flourescent and 2 blue actinic bulbs. I have everything running on timers, should I have the power compact run a little longer than the flourescents to simulate moonlight or do they need to be on the same schedule?????


I would have the actinics on longer by 1/2 to 1 hr before and after the daylights. Sort of a dawn/dusk simulation.


Active Member
I don't really see any need to do that unless you just really want to. The tank will be allright just turning all the lights on and off at the same time.
Well it sounds pretty cool, but I don't really believe that it is necessary unless you just want to. Otherwise just do it the old fashioned way, turning all the lights on and off at the same time.