
soo high

i havent purchase any pc lights but i have the one that came with it, 48 flourescent twin tube aquarium reflector 120volt 67watt 60 hz and i was wondering is this enuff of light for my live rocks that i have in the tank now and also is it enuff for Anemone and maybe a couple of coral if not i need info on what brand of light and such thanks


that really depends on how big the tank is. The lighting def. Is not enough for an anemone. you will need to invest in higher amounts of lighting for most coral and any anemone.

soo high

75 gallon then what kind should i buy i need info....also would my live rock be ok for now its only 30 pounds on some base rock


Your LR will be fine under the light its under now. LR does'nt require as much light as corals and anemones. Now, if you want an anemone for a 75gl, then I would definatley say you need MH (Metal Halide) lights <400 watts. Now if you just want some very very easy corals then I would suggest at least 440 watts of PC (Power Compact) lights.

soo high

It is a 48" BLACK Power Compact Ultra Reef Light with 6 x 65 watt bulbs and a powerful AC Fan to keep it cool.
The light is Glossy BLACK in color
Unit will have 6 led lunar lights in the unit as well.
It measures about 48" long x 11.5" wide and 4.5" high.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoO High
so now confuse......... so 260 is ok
Most will say no. Lets see if I get this right; if the lights are not quite enough, then feeding it will become more important. I feed my LTA evry 3 days and 1/3 raw shrimp at a time. I have had mine 1 month tomorrow and he has increased in size by 50%.


I have a 75gl with 260 watts of pc lighting.. Coralife 48." I have a bulb anemone, branch coral,open brain coral, button polyps, ricordia mushrooms, sea squirts,. They all seem to be doing fine with 3.5 watts per gallon. You might want to look into one of them..