

Hello. I am new to reef keeping and I am a little confused about all the differant types of lights. I know I would like to use PC lighting becuase it is relatively cheap, but which type is best: strip lights or retro kits or lamps?


Active Member
before you decide on which type of lights you really need to think and research what you want in your tank. base your decision off of what corals, anemones, clams, etc. you want and their needs. no need in buying lights that are inexpensive only to realize that you now need to upgrade lights because of a cool new coral you have to have.


I plan on keeping some of the easier corals avaliable and an anenome. I figured I could get a PC light with 4 X 65 watts for around $200.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IamjoshieG
I plan on keeping some of the easier corals avaliable and an anenome. I figured I could get a PC light with 4 X 65 watts for around $200.
The anem. is going to require a stronger light than a PC....The 4x65 will keep most softies....

jimmy 4

not all anemones need strong lighting. 260 probably would be enough depending on your tank size. I wouldnt put a carpet anemone under PCs, but you should be fine with a bubble.


Active Member
I cant accept a tube anenome which really isnt one. If you want a carpet,bubble tip, or all of the ones clownfish host they need t5.

jimmy 4

I have a beaded anemone under PC lighting and it is doing great. It requires moderate lighting. hellfire anemone is also moderate lighting.