
paul plumer

i have a 55 gal im putting vho 3 bulb on it will that be enough for a good reef ? i have 60 lb live rock with plenty of coarl and other stuff from tbsalt water, waters been perfect for 4 weeks 3 fish 1 aneminie 10 crabs 10 snails one big cucumber 1 pistol shrimp 1 red serperpant, but anemie dont look good i only have 60 watt flor on now ?
I know everyone on here say Anemones are hard to get to thrive in home tanks. They take alot of light. What type of VHO? How many total watts? What type of bulbs? How much are you looking to spend? I believe you are going to get varing opinions on the lighting issue. Alot are going to suggest MH lighting. I was told 4-8 watts per gallon. More info on your tank will help with making sure it is just the lighting that is making your Anemones look bad. Water parameters are a big issue. How long has your tank been up? How long has your cycle been over? Just questions to help answer your question. I am sure the sharks or someone who knows Anemones will jump in and help you out. Good luck and post some pics if you can..