like an ich


New Member
I have 95 gl reef with 90lb live rock
my 2 blue tang and my neso have this spot on thir budy (look like akna)Ist not ich they dont scrch on the rock they eating fine what it could be ??


Staff member
Where is the spot located, what does it look like, how big, and how long have they have it.


We had to learn the hard way, All tangs come with ich. We brought our blue tang home the next day he was covered with ich, the fish store told us not to worry that tangs do this when they are stressed and that the ich usually stays to them. Yeah right , the tang died, and now we are in the process of putting our other fish in a hospital tank. we never had this problem before the tang. Well everyone i've talked to says that they will not get another tang and i can see why. plus the lighting at the fish store for the tanks is pretty dim, so it was hard to see anything on him. needless to say that was $65.00 down the drain. Read up on tangs and stress before it's to late. <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />