Like my Set up


6 feet long 5 feet wide 3 1/2 feet tall 1050 gallons
150 pounds of live rock
Proclear aquatics wet/dry/prefilter pro 300
terminator skimmer/sumpless kit bought 2 due to size will it work with two
Lifeguard custom water flow system
30inch stand
I made it myself, and no pics but buying a camera soon
need to mow some more lawns first
Now i would like to get an active shark, but i cant find a site
that sells like a leopard or any active shark for that matter.
An open to ideas of what to stock it with
being cycled now


Active Member
sorry wish i culd help you but i am no shark expert you definetly could have a coral cat shark or banded cat shark.


Hmmm.......sounds like a decent setup, probably bamboos and coral cats, possibly some other kinds. If i were you though, id go more with rays...


Leopards get between 5 and 6 feet long, smoothounds get between 3 and 4 feet long. Unfortuantely with a 6 foot long by 5 feet wide tank you are only going to be able to keep the smaller cat sharks, bamboos, and/or horn sharks. I am not always sure why these sharks get such a bad rap. They may not have the 'JAWS' look but are every bit shark.


sum1 with shark Knowledge correct me if i am wrong but i think epaullettes are active and can go in that tank.


Ive never had an epaulette but this local fish store has two large males and their active most of the day. Shark boy when I added up the gallons I got 780 but i could be wrong.


hi guys this is my friends tank
he dosnt hve internet so i let him use my comp.
he is wide open to ideas and money is no factor for him and he dosnt need only sharks. so if u guys have a better idea post please. Srry bout the math. i hate it


Why don't you put a pair of bamboos on there and try to get a breeding pair.I would stay away from the active smoothhounds as even a grey smoothhound would not be happy in that tank at full grown.Bamboos are more adapted to tighter spaces and would find your tank more suitable then the active sharks.Just my $.02