Like to see some Awsome shroom pictures

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by efishnsea
HERE YOU GO... :joy:

efish :happyfish nsea
Man that's a lot of Ricordias!!!! How long have you had them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by whitey_028
me too!! Cant find them and when i do they want like 70 bucks!!!
gueeeeeeesss what iiiiiii fooooooundddd....
unfortunatly i dont have the money for them plus shipping

PS: not sure how ofted you are even on this site anymore but i found some online and thought of the brief 4 line conversation we had


Copernicus, If I didnt know any better, Id say you took a picture of my tank! I have brown zoos and teal mushrooms all over my tank! They wont stop spreading! Do you have a full tank shot?