lime colored algee??


wut is it , and is it ok for my tank , its like a really light green, i feel dumb sking this cuz its prob just regular algee i dont know thow...


I upgraded my light to PC's a few weeks ago and since then my whole back glass is covered with it. I left alone so far, some of the snail are eating it. :D


Active Member
I think we need more of a description, is it just on the glass? and is it hard to scrap off, is it slimy, does it look like stringy hair.
More than likely it is there because of the lighting change, but you should also test your tank for, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and phosphate and let us know the readings.


Tank readings are good, 0 amm, 0 trite, 0 trates, I always always use RO/DI water for water changes, top offs and feedings. Its only on the back glass I havent really tried to scrape it off so i dont know if slimmt or hard to scrape. I try to scrape it off tonight when I get home and see how it does. I doesnt look like green coralline its mor like a film. I post a pic later when I get home.