
Active Member
I herd that you can download music for free on this site. So how do you download it and not let the government know? :notsure: My friends have this but they wont tell me how to be proctected against the government. This "Thing" sounds cool, should i download it or no?


u cant be protected.... its illegal.... just have ur stupid friends to download u some music... besides... i had that and kazaa and i got ao much spyware and viruses and other crap on my computer because of it... i deleted them both and still have that crap


Active Member
o wow! Ok i wont. I was just wondering, lots of people at my school have it and i was just curious. I wont


Originally Posted by JacknJill
you can buy a lifetime membership for like $20 i think. thats what my friend did.
really!! nice! :notsure:


Active Member
Ive been downloading music for free ever since napster started. Cant remember the last time i bought a cd.
Ive got well over 3000 mp3's.


Active Member
i've been priating music since i was 14, im going on 22, i've never been caught, and i have 2, 120gigs full of music.... dont stress.... i use limewire pro
go to download and install.
search for
limewire pro.
download file (so you dont have to pay for it) ;)
install limewire pro
uninstall bear share
download pest patrol using limewire pro (so you dont have to pay for it)
run pest patrol, (this will remove the spyware that comes with bear share.
now you have free music and a spyware free computer.

Your hacker friend


Active Member
ive been using (news groups) free agent from forte inc for like 10 years been getting movies ,software ,music ect never had a prob besides getting up grades and cracks got about 100 gigs of s**t 1000+ tunes


Just make sure you have a really good anti-virus, spyware, adaware kit ie norton system works and youll be fine i wouldnt worry about the government there not looking to take down a student pretty sure their looking for people they can actually take something from