Limited to a ten gallon refigium...Worth it?


After gaining some knowledge on the benefits of a refigium, I would like to incorporate one into my 120 reef setup.
I am having space problems with my current setup, and I can only add a ten gallon aquarium. My current sump is a 20L tank.
Containers to the side of the tank are not an option per the wife. I tried. (I have to stay in the stand) Urggg....but she did let me set the tank up in the living room!
Will a ten gallon refigium add any benefit to a 120 gal tank?
If so, should I use sand or just live rock and plants?
I would appreciate any thoughts on this......Thanks

nm reef

Active Member
Any refugium that is properly set up and functioning is a positive!
A 10 gal with a low flow rate...a good lighting source...macro algaes and LS/LR will work fine. Bigger would be better...but a small one will still provide benefits.
I'd say go for it...:cool:


Active Member
I have a 6gal above tank fuge and it works very well at reducing nitrates and phosphates and is a haven for pods.


Active Member
Hi, How about the 15 gallon high tank. It has the same base dimentions as the 10 gallon. They sell them at *****. Lesley


Active Member
There is also a place on line that makes custom sumps in any size you like. You could go wide. I can't list it here so do a search. Good luck, Lesley


Active Member
Ok, go to and type in the key words "custom sumps" and it will take you to the site. It is about the third or forth (maybe more) site listed. Lesley


I am relatively new to the aquarium scene but I have done extensive homework so here is what I suggest. The rubbermaid containers make good refugium and are quite inexpensive. They can be purchased with a high profile that do not take much space at the base and most will fit under the tank in the stand. Im not sure what your space restrictions are but the rubbermaid containers can be drilled and gasketed to do alot for very little money or space. I hope this helps


Thanks for your help everyone. I was able to take a side of my stand apart and slip a 18gal rubbermaid tub under the tank.


Active Member
jpawson - make sure you have some bracing around it - I did not and my wife freaked - so I had to pull it out and double line it and put a brace around it (I made one out of PVC) and then put it all back to gether!!


overanalyzer- how important do you think the braces are for the rubbermaid container? Reason I ask is I have already installed it and have put my stand back together. I filled it and added sand. It would be a pain in the A$$ to get it out again. I noticed minimal pressure of the rubbermaid agianst the framing in the stand- its not pushing too hard against anything. How important is it that I brace a 18gal rubbermaid?
By the way thanks for bringing this up!


Active Member
I don't think there is too much need but it does make me nervouse. do a search for rubbermaid and then my name and you will see some threads where I asked and some people have some outrageous bulging rubbermaids.
What you could do is build one out of PVC and cement three sides and put it around the refugium and PVC Cement it into place without removeing the whole set-up.