limp Xenia


Well I got my Xenia at a VERY good price(free) because it was not in very good shape. It was a pathetic little shriveled mess. Well I nursed it back to health and it looks phenominal... However. Of to the side of the main stock is this little limp branch that did not look good to begin with. It keeps falling back into a crevise and not getting enough sunlight and thus getting even worse.
My question is: Should I just cut it from the main stalk and put it in a more appropriate place(ie more light and better flow) or should I leave it as is.
And If I am to cut it, is it okay to cut it in the tank. the main stock has attached itself to a rock at the bottom of my tank that is used to support a bigger rock that is covered in zoos. I have a jbj 12 gallon nano cube and I do not know if the fluid that will come from the cut will be bad for such a small tank.
any help would be greatly appreciated


I really am not sure of an answer, but I know that mine died after hurricane Dennis, and four of the bits regenerated now I have four!


Active Member
Just leave the xenia alone. It will slowly move to the spot that it likes best, and any damaged parts will fall off on their own :)