Linkin Park


Ever see them live?
hater of lover?
personally LP is my fav band and has been for 10 years. ive seen them live 3 times, once on world tour and 2 Projekt Revolutions.
Awaiting their new album and 2009


I like minutes to midnight, but i lost alot of love for them when they teamed up with that one rapper. I had hybrid theory like 2 weeks prior to its Halloween release, have loved them since. Lost alot of love during that Team up with that rapper


yeah they are amazing live for sure
they have done tons of songs with rap artist so its hard 2 tell what time ur tlking about lol. see them live and the love will def. come back haha


Active Member
I really like a lot of their stuff. Some of the Collision Course stuff was good. I'm a really big fan of the Fort Minor stuff too.


Active Member
....hmmm... I know how I feel about bands I love so I hate to stir up a bees nest but hey, for the sake of diversity in the conversation..(and I'm a big music buff, highly opinionated too)...
Everyone's entitled to what they like and what music moves them, speaks to them, says something they can relate to. To me though, it all sounds like whiney juvenile "I hate you mommy and daddy" and "I need attention" songs. Like lyrics from a sad 13 year old boys diary.
Now, saying that and surely perturbing those of you who like them, had they come out in the 80's I would probably think they were phenomenal. I like the blend of the electronica/hip-hop with the raw grungy guitars, and the singer actually can sing which is something to be appreciated, unlike Fred Durst (vomit). Piano is something I always wanted to hear more of in heavier music. I would prefer it not be sampled into the mix, but oh well. It's a smart fuse of what's hot and trendy in the music market at the moment.
A running joke between me and some of my bros..."Stinkin Fart."
I remember being at the "Firecracker Five" concert with Mudvayne, Papa Roach, Disturbed, Linkin Park, and Slipknot... and this dude was leaving the gates and a ticket person told him "Sir if you leave, you can't come back in" and he said, "I saw Linkin Park, that's all I wanted to see." And I thought, "Wow... what a waste of money" at $75 a ticket... Papa Roach and Linkin Park were the bands I took a break on.


Active Member
ive seen em twice... they are pretty good and put on a great show... alot of their stuff sounds the same and chesters screamin does get a little old from time to time...
FYI hybrid theory came out in late 2000...


this post is music based and nothing personal k lol
for texasmetal...lyrically mike and chester are geniuses, find one song that falls under that category and i will debate you on that because imo they have no song that would be considered whiny or juvenile. :) and i agree that chaz is a terrific vocalist and they have many live accapella/ piano songs as well as several on b-side records
also you say you like the grungy sound, check out grey daze. its the band that chester started in the early 90s before he moved to LP. it has the grung sound i think ur looking for
and about the screaming it really depends. if you listin to M2M the screaming is a lot diff then in previous albums with more of a metal flair and they use that in their live shows with every song too. listin to QWERTY (an older song) and thats when they first started the more metalish sound. Given up is a great example of that too.
Hybrid Theory the album: Oct of 2000
and when the band was named Hybrid Theory their EP came out in 1999. Hybrid Theory EP
lol i would of payed the $75 to see LP buuttt i wouldnt of left haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by ca161406
this post is music based and nothing personal k lol
for texasmetal...lyrically mike and chester are geniuses, find one song that falls under that category and i will debate you on that because imo they have no song that would be considered whiny or juvenile. :) and i agree that chaz is a terrific vocalist and they have many live accapella/ piano songs as well as several on b-side records
"Everything you say to meeeeeee, brings me one step closer to the edge and I'm about to break"... "Shut up when I'm talkin to youuuu,"...comes to mind off the bat. Sounds like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. Maybe it's the high pitch of his voice... I don't listen to it enough to back it up really, because that was my initial response and it turned me off.
I just like male singers who sound like males...haha. Seems like a common thing these days for guys to sing like their in the middle of puberty. It's just me I guess. I like underground stuff and generally can't get into most of the mainstream, commercialized material on the FM these days. At least for the past 10 years or so anyway.


Hated them since the day their whiney juvenile wannbe hard sorry excuse for rock crap came out.


The lyrics from "one step closer" came from frustration when piecing together "run away" and was actually a joke for the band but turned out good so they put it on the album

Chester has no high pitched tones except when doing high notes lol. no whiny stuff like sayy hawthorn heights, oor red jumpsuit apparatus. haha
yeah listin to grey daze or Sean Dowdell and his Friends.
theyre chesters first 2 bands b4 LP
Jaymz ill just take that unless you have some points to prove :)


Active Member
The only reason I think LP got a bad rap, was that a lot of younger then usual fans liked/became associated with LP. While I don't think the lyrics are whiny about parents, there about fighting/complications in the relationship with the significant other, which is what 90% of all music is about. They aren't whiny or pop at all, like say the mind numbing horrid music of fall out boy or whoever sings that handlebars song...Wow....

That said, no one likes the Fort Minor stuff?


yeah thats true but im 17 so does that make me another statistic? or would that just be people who become associated with LP as you said just listin to it because it sounds catchy? because i pretty much analyze every song i listin too, which is why i dislike most hip hop and rap. a agree fall out boy is pretty much lame.(not gonna say wat i really think because i dont want to just bash a group cuz i dont like them) and actually Flobots(they sing handelbars) has really well song writing skills. listin to handlebars really carefully and you can tell its talking about corruption in the government and is actually a really good song. i hated it at first till i listened to it more carefully.
and yes i love Fort Minors material. also his other side project styles of beyond is pretty cool too although he only has a few songs hes actually performing in.
and i was just thinking how can ppl think chester has a whiny voice. its frikin powerful imo. especially on their live stuff.
for example youtube search kill the flys by Sean Dowdell and his Friends and you can tell his vocal ability and he was only 15 when he recorded that song. so just saying
my friends think im weird cuz i know all this about the band haha idk why.. they also think im weird cuz i have a marine habitat in my room haha


Active Member
Wish I would have seen this thread sooner! My case is somewhat complicated though and maybe schizo.....
Lincoln Park is what initially got me back into metal 10 years ago or so after a stupid crappy college stink of liking techno (why did i ever like that stupid ----?) But then I got right back into the mix of metal, which at the time was Soulfly, Slipknot, etc. But now I do think they are pretty much sell-outs, but everytime my woman is listening to the radio and I hear one of their songs I can't help but like it. I would never buy another CD as I only listen to Death/Black Metal, etc. but like I said, I enjoy it when its on the radio.
Schizo...I warned you!


Active Member
saw them along mith metallica, limp bizkit, mudvayne, deftones, and some other bands back in 2003 at summer sanitarium


no point to prove.. i cant stand the sound of them kind. very very whiney like;
I was in this relationship, let me tell you how bad it sucked. blah blah same old crap that has been done a thousand times.
they cant even touch, Tool or System of a Down.